Suar.ID - Kabar duka datang dari aktor sekaligus presenter Boy William.
Adik kandungnya yang bernama Raymond Hartanto menghembuskan napas terakhir pada Selasa (10/9/2019).
Kabar tersebut dibagikan oleh Boy William melalui Instagram Story di akun Instagram pribadinya @boywilliam17, Rabu (11/9/2019) melansir dari Tribun Seleb.
"It is with our deepest sorrow and greatest sadness that we mourn the passing of our beloved husband, son, brother, cousin, nephew and grandson, *Raymond Hartanto* last night, 10 September 2019," tulis Boy.

Presenter Boy William tengah diselimuti duka, pasalnya sang adik, Raymond Hartanto meninggal dunia karena kecelakaan
Dalam unggahan tersebut Boy menyebut jenazah sang adik disemayamkan di Rumah Duka Oasis Lestari, Tangerang.
Selain itu, ia juga mencurahkan rasa dukanya yang mendalam atas kepergian sang adik melalui unggahan foto bersama kedua adik dan ibunya.
"Rest well my little brother. Is it fun up there? I'll wait til it's my turn. Pick me up when i get there. Ray, Be with us in spirit. You are always included. Wherever we go from now on, you are always invited." tulis Boy.
"You are loved. I was here when you entered this earth and also here to see you go. I love you i love you i love you i love you Ray." sambungnya.