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Mengharukan, Kisah Kakek yang Merayakan Hari Valentine Bersama Abu Pembakaran Istrinya

Moh. Habib Asyhad - Kamis, 14 Februari 2019 | 16:58
Mengharukan, seorang kakek menghabiskan Hari Valentine bersama abu istrinya.
Facebook/Chasidy Gwaltney

Mengharukan, seorang kakek menghabiskan Hari Valentine bersama abu istrinya.

I saw something today that has made me remember that we won't always have each other to hold, talk to, love, play with or even just aggravate every now and then.

This picture speaks loudly and it may hurt your heart as it has mine.

This man looks like he is spending Valentine's Day alone at first glance but that is actually his wife in that very beautiful bottle sitting on the table.

Apparently his love for her was and still is very strong as he takes her ashes out for a Valentine's lunch date together. He even bought her a glass of wine....

Please love your Sweetheart while you have the opportunity, you never know what tomorrow will bring or take away!

Happy Valentine's Day All!!!

Sejak pertama kali diunggah di Facebook, foto ini langsung menjadi viral.

Hingga tulisan ini dibuat, setidaknya lebih dari 620 ribu orang membagikannya.

Dan lebih dari 190 ribu orang mengomentarinya.

Dari pantauan Suar.ID, komentar terakhir di postingan tersebut terjadi pada hari ini, 14 Februari 2019, sekitar pukul 12.00 WIB.

“Tuhan memberkatinya, betapi indahnya hubungan percintaan mereka!” tulis seorang pengguna bernama Debbie Ireland.

Editor : Moh. Habib Asyhad

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