Berikut Lirik Lagu dan Chord Gitar 'Shouldn't Be' milik Luke Chiang

10 November 2021 14:15 WIB
Luke Chiang
Luke Chiang ( )

Sonora.ID – Berikut ini lirik lagu dan chord gitar lagu 'Shouldn't Be' milik Luke Chiang.

Lagu ini pertama kali dirilis oleh Luke pada tahun 2019 lalu.

'Shouldn't Be' merupakan lagu yang dirilis oleh Luke secara independen sebagai single kelima Luke Chiang.

Lagu ini viral di aplikasi TikTok, banyak pengguna aplikasi ini yang menggunakan lagu 'Should't Be' sebagai backsound dari konten video mereka.

Berikut ini lirik dan chord gitarnya:

F#m              B

I can't stop feeling like none of this matters, I

[Verse 1]


Fool around, tell me words

B7                   Cdim

That you don't mean


I'm already numb to it


I'm already numb to it

F#m7                      B7             Cdim

Feed me lies, tear me up, break me down


I don't wanna be playin' these games



I'm already used to it

            Am                     D

I'm already used to you being this cold


E               F#m7               B7

But keepin' you close shouldn't be hard

            E                    C#m

If you were honest when you said you missed me


You've played with my pride

          B7           Amaj7         Emaj7   C#m7

Making me feel like we had something real

[Verse 2]

F#m7                              B7           Cdim

I know we've been over this, it's nothing new

              C#m7               Emaj7

You're still gonna be leaving me here

F#m7                        B7          Cdim

It's easier hating you than missing you

            C#m7                  Emaj7

But I don't wanna be feelin' this way



I'm already through with it

            Am                   D

I'm already tired of thinking at all


E               F#m7               B7

But keepin' you close shouldn't be hard

            E                    C#m

If you were honest when you said you missed me


You've played with my pride

          B7                          Emaj7   C#m7

Making me feel like we had something real

E               F#m7               B7

And making you stay shouldn't feel wrong

            E                         C#m

This is the last time I'll ask you to listen


I've played all my cards

          B7           Amaj7               Emaj7

Would you feel a thing if you saw me right now?



No matter what I say to you

       Emaj7                                  Amaj7

You're gone (I've been tryin' in vain to hold on)


No matter what I say


E               F#m7               B7

But keepin' you close shouldn't be hard

            E                    C#m

If you were honest when you said you missed me


You've played with my pride

          B7                          Emaj7   C#m7

Making me feel like we had something real

E               F#m7               B7

And making you stay shouldn't feel wrong

            E                         C#m

This is the last time I'll ask you to listen


I've played all my cards

          B7           Amaj7               Emaj7

Would you feel a thing if you saw me right now?

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